
cliffbee review

below is what happens when you read cliffbee's review, extensively :D

Cravings of
- Dark Scorponok - http://www.cliffbee.com/reviews/darkscorponok.php
- Omega Sentinel - http://www.cliffbee.com/reviews/eos.php
- Clocker, always wanted him anyway - http://www.cliffbee.com/reviews/clocker.php
- Swindle - http://www.cliffbee.com/reviews/cybswindle.php
- Blurr - http://www.cliffbee.com/reviews/armblurr.php
- Sharkticon - http://www.cliffbee.com/reviews/sharkticon.php
- Laserbeak - http://www.cliffbee.com/reviews/cybsoundwave.php

Not selling of
- Bulkhead/Springer - http://www.cliffbee.com/reviews/bulkhead.php
- Shockblast/wave - http://www.cliffbee.com/reviews/shockblast.php
- Galvatron - http://www.cliffbee.com/reviews/engalvatron.php
- Downshift - http://www.cliffbee.com/reviews/cybdownshift.php
- Tow-Line - http://www.cliffbee.com/reviews/etowline.php

But the cravings can hold on for now, until my neo-pre-g1 collection is done first :D

And finally decided on neo-pre-g1 bluestreak  google 'chrysler ME 412', you'll see why haha T_T
then see tf-1 the head matches too - BONUS POINTS

So the mandatory scale calculation as below

H : 1140 / 065 = 17.5            <<< yeaah, sports car are very3 low
L : 4542 / 140 = 32.4             <<< WOW !!!
W : 1999 / 070 = 28.5           <<< it should be less wider? then it'll look funny T_T

Also decided to use movie 1 / 2  bee as prowl, since there plenty of bee car to use as autobot cars..

Finally, oh where art thou TF:Prime Voyager Ratchet, I long for you :D
please please please, Wheeljack is NOT a Medic gaaaah


Scale Calculation - 1:32 Prowl

We'll use CHUG Prowl for this :D FYI I don't have it

From cliffbee :
H : 045mm
L : 130mm
W : 060mm

From wiki :
H : 1326mm
L : 4308mm
W : 1816mm

OK, Scale calculation
H : 1326/45 = 29
L : 4308/130 = 33
W : 1816/60 = 30

Scale (1:32):
H - 1:29
L - 1:33
W - 1:30

Conclusion : Very near-scale, must buy haha...

Don't think can got Henkei for a decent / non-scalped price

P/S : Any other decent-looking Prowl? RID Prowl?

Diaclone - Stories

From http://tfsource.com/blog/

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Not Car Robots